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Pond & Waterfalls : Pressurized Filters

Pond & Waterfalls, Pond & Waterfalls : Pressurized Filters, ProLine

ProLine Pressurized Filter Systems

THE PROLINE PRESSURIZED FILTER SYSTEM features a unique, manually operated agitator that quickly dislodges waste from the filter chamber which allows you to backwash and rinse the filter in seconds without getting wet or coming in contact with fish and plant waste. Best of all, these filters never need opening! Available with or without an internally mounted UV Clarifier that controls green water algae.

Included 3-Way Master Swivel fittings make connecting and removing flexible tubing easier and quicker.

Agitator elimantes the need to ever open the filter.

Item # 05015
Order Now! Only 2 Left in Stock.

THE PROLINE PRESSURIZED FILTER SYSTEM features a unique, manually operated agitator that quickly dislodges waste from the filter chamber which allows you to backwash and rinse the filter in seconds without getting wet or coming in contact with fish and plant waste. Best of all, these filters never need opening! Available with or without an internally mounted UV Clarifier that controls green water algae.

Product Features

• Agitator Quickly Unlocks Waste, Conserving Water During Backwash and Rinse Cycles

• 3-Way Master Valve with “Filter," “Rinse" and “Backwash" Settings

• Clear-Vue Inspection Port to Monitor Water Clarity During Backwash/Rinse Operation

• Stainless Steel Clamp to Ensure a Water Tight Seal

• Bio-Matrix™ Media Provides Maximum Surface Area for Beneficial Bacteria Growth

• Heavy Duty Poly Canister Can Be Buried for Hidden Installation

• Integrated Waterproof UV Transformer (for Models Equipped with UV Clarifier)

• Optional Field Installed Bottom Drain Available (Not Included)

• 1-1/2" Swivel Fittings and Ball Valve Included

• 1 Year Limited Warranty



P-1000 - ITEM# 05010

1000 Gallon Capacity, without UV Clarifier

Recommended Pump Size: 900 - 2000 GPH

with 20' Max Total Head Height

PUV-1000 - ITEM# 05015

1000 Gallon Capacity, with 10 Watt UV Clarifier

Recommended Pump Size: 900 - 2000 GPH

with 20' Max Total Head Height

P-2000 - ITEM# 05020

2000 Gallon Capacity, without UV Clarifier

Recommended Pump Size: 1000 - 2000 GPH

with 20' Max Total Head Height

PUV-2000 - ITEM# 05025

2000 Gallon Capacity, with 20 Watt UV Clarifier

Recommended Pump Size: 1000 - 2000 GPH

with 20' Max Total Head Height

P-4000 - ITEM# 05040

4000 Gallon Capacity, without UV Clarifier

Recommended Pump Size: 1000 - 4000 GPH

with 20' Max Total Head Height

PUV-4000 - ITEM# 05045

4000 Gallon Capacity, with 40 Watt UV Clarifier

Recommended Pump Size: 1000 - 4000 GPH

with 20' Max Total Head Height