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Pond & Waterfalls, Pond & Waterfalls : Filtration Systems, Pondmaster

Pondmaster Garden Pond Filter & Pump Kits

Pondmaster Pond Kits are a great and practical way to start the excitement of water gardening. These kits are designed to easily match pumps with filters, including fountainheads with tubing and fittings where necessary.

Waterscaping does not need to be limited to inground ponds. Perfect for the individual who does not desire a full size pond. The 190 GPH Pump and Fountain Kit (Item# 02273) is specially suited for small areas or for use indoors.

Great for D-I-Y Projects!


Item # 02212
Order Now! Only 284 Left in Stock.

Pondmaster Pond Kits are a great and practical way to start the excitement of water gardening. These kits are designed to easily match pumps with filters, including fountainheads with tubing and fittings where necessary.

Waterscaping does not need to be limited to inground ponds. Perfect for the individual who does not desire a full size pond. The 190 GPH Pump and Fountain Kit (Item# 02273) is specially suited for small areas or for use indoors.

Great for D-I-Y Projects!

PMK 190 - ITEM# 02019

Suitable for small to medium Ponds and Containers

• 190 GPH Pump (CUL/UL Listed)

• Deluxe Filter System

• Bell Fountain Head

• Mechanical and Biological Filtration

• Dimensions with Bell Fountain Head Attached: Top of Bell to bottom of filter: 20 1/2"

• Dimensions of filter: 8 1/2" W x 11" Deep x 2 3/* H

PMK 1250 - ITEM# 02212

Suitable for small to medium Ponds up to 600 Gallons

• 250 GPH Pump (CUL/UL Listed)

• Deluxe Filter System (PM1000)

• Bell and Adjustable Fountain Heads

• Tubing and Fittings

• Mechanical, Biological and Chemical Filtration

PMK 1350 - ITEM# 02213

Suitable for medium Ponds up to 800 Gallons

Same as PMK 1250 but with a 350 GPH Pump (CUL/UL Listed)

PMK 1500 - ITEM# 02215

Suitable for medium Ponds up to 1000 Gallons

Same as PMK 1250 but with a 500 GPH Pump (CUL/UL Listed)

PMK 1700 - ITEM# 02217

Suitable for medium to large Ponds up to 1250 Gallons

Same as PMK 1250 but with a 700 GPH Pump (CUL/UL Listed)



Suitable for small Barrels and Containers

• 190 GPH Pump (CUL/UL Listed)

• Bell Fountain Head

• Block Foam Filter